Saturday, August 1, 2009

Flight of the Corolla

Total miles covered: 604.7 (19% of total distance)
Number of states visited: 3

My first official road trip post comes to you live from a McDonald's in Fremont, Indiana. You may be asking yourself "Why he is blogging in a McDonald's?" The answer is quite simple: Fremont, Indiana has other priorities than technological outlet shopping and church. After a grueling evening of last minute preparations that had Eve and I up until 3:15 AM, we decided to postpone the launch until 9:30 AM. To make the drive more stimulating, we decided to introduce three games that maximize driving enjoyment. They are as follows:

Trying to find a vehicles with license plates from all 50 states (we successfully identified 38 today alone, as well as 4 Canadian provinces)

A daily competition for lamest vanity plate (today's winner is "CRSTY" due to the fact that we decided it stands for crusty, with runner-up honors going to "2 YAM" , mostly because we had no clue what the hell this meant.)

And finally, most inane street sign/road name (today's winner "Headlights On?", paving the way for a new generation of passive aggressive road signs)

There isn't much else to discuss since our day consisted largely of driving. We are staying at the
Traveler's Inn (or El Motel depending on your mood).

Lastly, enjoy these photographic gems taken by Eve (notice how her ability to take pictures of signs is steadily improving).

This sign says welcome to Ohio And this sign says welcome to Indiana


  1. Yeah - day one is over! Hope you both get some sleep! You are both in my thoughts - and doing this blog makes me feel like I am along for the ride. On to day two.

  2. The worst one I saw on my trip was Srvnt4X, later interpreted as Servant for Christ. The scenic I-80 drive through Nebraska brought me that one
